Objectifs du cours/Course objectives:

-     To increase understanding of the theories and concepts related to individuals, groups, and organizations.

-     To increase your ability to understand and effect change.

-     To improve skills in problem identification and analysis, in developing alternatives, and in implementing solutions.

-     To increase your understanding of management and leadership roles and responsibilities related to three levels of analysis: individuals, groups, and organizations.


Plan de cours/ Lesson Plan :

 -     Introduction to Organizational Behavior

-     Personality

-     Learning

-     Perception

-     Attitudes

-     Groups and Teamwork

-     Motivation

-     Decision Making

-     Negotiation

-     Leadership

-     Conflict and Stress

-     Power and Politics 

The students will:

•    Acquire basic knowledge about main theories concerning corporate and business strategy

•    Have a global perspective of firm activities from top management viewpoint

•    Be able to assess the feasibility of individual or collective course of action analyzing specific business cases.

More specifically, students will understand: 1/The dynamic relationship between strategy and organizational structure; 2/Technics of competitive and corporate analysis

Le module d'enseignement a pour objectif de présenter les principes de la business intelligence et d'appliquer son modèle d'analyse dans le contexte français. A l'issue de cette présentation, les étudiants seront en capacité de savoir réaliser un processus de veille en fonction des objectifs assignés par l'entreprise.