Voici l'espace pour le CM de syntaxe L3.
Je mets ci-dessous les listes des noms que nous avons vus en CM ainsi que la correction.
Bien cordialement,
CM Grammaire L3
RECAP: list you need to learn
1. List of the main uncountable nouns SG in English:
Abuse Accommodation Advice Applause
Baggage Behaviour Blame Business
Clothing Damage Equipment Evidence
Furniture Information Luggage News
Nonsense Progress Refuse Research
Rubbish Software Toast Waste Wear/underwear
2. Nouns in the PL that cannot be counted
assets (actifs, richesse) belongings clothes congratulations
contents (contenu) customs (douane) damages (indemnité)
dregs (lie de vin/de la société) fireworks fumes (émanations)
funds goods holidays leftovers
lodgings looks manners the Middle Ages
morals (moralité) odds (chances) outskirts (banlieue)
perks (avantages) remains resources riches
savings spirits stairs surroundings
thanks valuables wages (salaire)
Diseases: the giggles, the hiccups, hysterics
3. Pairs of objects
trousers, pants, jeans, tights, shorts, panties, knickers, briefs, trunks, pyjamas
Glasses, binoculars, spectacles
Scissors, pliers, pincers (tenailles), tweezers (pince à épiler), tongs (pincettes)
Bellows (soufflet), compasses (compas – à ne pas confondre avec compass, la boussole)- scales
CORRECTION OF QUIZ 3- Complete each sentence with the correct nouns taken from the following list. Do not forget to make changes if necessary.
1. The number of suitcases you can check depends on the airline you choose.
The pieces of luggage / the luggage can check depends…
2. According to the report, there are indications that unemployment is on the decrease.
According to the report, there is evidence that unemployment is on the decrease.
3. I’v had this t-shirt / this underwear for too long. It’s time to throw it out and buy some new clothes.
4. Do you have (some/any) advice / (some/any) suggestions for our first-year university students in English?
5. All the information / all the details about the package tour will be sent to you three weeks in advance.
6. The weather is such that a picnic in the park is ill-advised today.
The conditions are such that a picnic in the park is ill-advised today.
7. There was a bunch of coins/ some change lying on his desk, but most of it was foreign.
8. Most of the applications / Much of his software on his computer need that a picnic in the park is ill-advised be replaced by more recent versions.
- Teacher: Lansari Laure