Topic outline

  • Week 1: Apprendre à utiliser l’unilingue

    • This is the PowerPoint that includes details of everything we covered in class. 

    • This is the handout we used in class. We completed the first page together; the second page is to be completed for homework for next week. 

  • Week 2 : The Physical Portrait

    • Answers to homework from Week 1 - Advice for writing a physical portrait - homework for week 3: writing a physical portrait

  • Week 3: The Psychological Portrait

    • Exercises completed in class as well as homework for next week : a draft of your psychological portrait. 

  • Week 4: Common Errors

  • Week 5: Adjectives and Syntax

  • Week 6: Adjectives and the Genitive

  • Week 7: Midterm

  • Week 8: Midterm Corrections / Academic English 1

    • Corrections from the first midterm exam and details of the second evaluation which is due on the 21/11/22

  • Week 9: Academic English 2

  • Week 10: Expressing Movement

  • Week 11: Expressing Movement 2