################################################################################################################ # # ################################################################################################################ reset set terminal gif animate delay 10 set output 'chuteNp.gif' stats 'chuteNp' nooutput set xlabel "X (m)" set ylabel "H (m)" set cblabel "m" rotate by 0 set cbrange[0:1.0] set cbtics 0,0.2,1.0 set xr [0.25:1.75] set yr [0:1.4] set xtics 0.15,0.25,1.75 mirror set ytics 0,0.2,1.4 mirror set format x "%1.2g" set format y "%1.2g" set format cb "%1.2g" set style fill transparent solid 1 noborder set palette defined ( 0 '#000090',\ 1 '#000fff',\ 2 '#0090ff',\ 3 '#0fffee',\ 4 '#90ff70',\ 5 '#ffee00',\ 6 '#ff7000',\ 7 '#ee0000',\ 8 '#7f0000') stats 'chuteNp' using 2 np = 1 do for [i=1:200] { plot for[j=1:np] 'chuteNp' index (i-1) using (column(j+1)):(column(np+j+1)):(column(2*np+j+1)):(column(np+j+1)) title 'Bille '.j with circle palette,\ } # ################################################################################################################ # # ################################################################################################################ clear set encoding iso_8859_1 set autoscale # scale axes automatically unset log # remove any log-scaling unset label # remove any previous labels set xtic auto # set xtics automatically set ytic auto # set ytics automatically set term postscript eps color lw 1.0 "Helvetica" 22 enhanced set output "chuteNp_at.ps" set xlabel "X (m)" set ylabel "H (m)" set cblabel "m" rotate by 0 set key spacing 1.3 set key font ",16" set logscale cb set cbrange[0.05:1.3] set cbtics 0.05,1.5,1.3 set xr [0.25:1.75] set yr [0:1.4] set xtics 0.25,0.25,1.75 mirror set ytics 0,0.2,1.4 mirror set format x "%1.2g" set format y "%1.2g" set format cb "%1.2g" unset y2label unset y2tics set tics in set mxtics 5 set mytics 5 set my2tics 5 set pointsize 0.6 set size ratio 0.9 set angles degrees # set xtics add('0' 0 ) set ytics add('0' 0 ) set style fill transparent solid 1 noborder set palette defined ( 0 '#000090',\ 1 '#000fff',\ 2 '#0090ff',\ 3 '#0fffee',\ 4 '#90ff70',\ 5 '#ffee00',\ 6 '#ff7000',\ 7 '#ee0000',\ 8 '#7f0000') stats 'chuteNp_at' using 2 np = 1 plot for [i=1:np] 'chuteNp_at' using (column(i+1)):(column(np+i+1)):(column(2*np+i+1)):(column(np+i+1)) title 'Bille '.i with circle palette # ################################################################################################################ # # ################################################################################################################ reset set terminal gif animate delay 10 set output 'timeNp.gif' stats 'chutetime' nooutput set xlabel "T (s)" set ylabel "H (m)" set cblabel "m" rotate by 0 set cbrange[0:1.0] set cbtics 0,0.2,1.0 set xr [0.:2.] set yr [0:1.4] set xtics 0.0,0.25,2. mirror set ytics 0.0,0.2,1.4 mirror set format x "%1.2g" set format y "%1.2g" set format cb "%1.2g" set style fill transparent solid 1 noborder set palette defined ( 0 '#000090',\ 1 '#000fff',\ 2 '#0090ff',\ 3 '#0fffee',\ 4 '#90ff70',\ 5 '#ffee00',\ 6 '#ff7000',\ 7 '#ee0000',\ 8 '#7f0000') stats 'chutetime' using 2 np = 1 do for [i=1:1000] { plot for[j=1:np] 'chutetime' index (i-1) using (column(j+1)):(column(np+j+1)):(column(2*np+j+1)):(column(np+j+1)) title 'Bille '.j with circle palette,\ } # ################################################################################################################ # # ################################################################################################################ clear set encoding iso_8859_1 set autoscale # scale axes automatically unset log # remove any log-scaling unset label # remove any previous labels set xtic auto # set xtics automatically set ytic auto # set ytics automatically set term postscript eps color lw 1.0 "Helvetica" 22 enhanced set output "chutetime_at.ps" set xlabel "T (s)" set ylabel "H (m)" set cblabel "m" rotate by 0 set key spacing 1.3 set key font ",16" set logscale cb set cbrange[0.05:1.3] set cbtics 0.05,1.5,1.3 set xr [0.:1.5] set yr [0:1.4] set xtics 0.0,0.25,1.5 mirror set ytics 0.0,0.2,1.4 mirror set format x "%1.2g" set format y "%1.2g" set format cb "%1.2g" unset y2label unset y2tics set tics in set mxtics 5 set mytics 5 set my2tics 5 set pointsize 0.6 set size ratio 0.9 set angles degrees # set xtics add('0' 0 ) set ytics add('0' 0 ) set style fill transparent solid 1 noborder set palette defined ( 0 '#000090',\ 1 '#000fff',\ 2 '#0090ff',\ 3 '#0fffee',\ 4 '#90ff70',\ 5 '#ffee00',\ 6 '#ff7000',\ 7 '#ee0000',\ 8 '#7f0000') stats 'chutetime_at' using 2 np = 1 plot for [i=1:np] 'chutetime_at' using (column(i+1)):(column(np+i+1)):(column(2*np+i+1)):(column(np+i+1)) title 'Bille '.i with circle palette # ################################################################################################################ # # ################################################################################################################ reset set terminal gif animate delay 10 set output 'heat_Np.gif' stats 'tempNp' nooutput set xlabel "X (m)" set ylabel "H (m)" set cblabel "^°C" rotate by 0 set logscale cb set cbrange[25:100] set cbtics 25,2,100 set xr [0.25:1.75] set yr [0:1.4] set xtics 0.25,0.25,1.75 mirror set ytics 0,0.2,1.4 mirror set style fill transparent solid 1 noborder set palette defined ( 0 '#000090',\ 1 '#000fff',\ 2 '#0090ff',\ 3 '#0fffee',\ 4 '#90ff70',\ 5 '#ffee00',\ 6 '#ff7000',\ 7 '#ee0000',\ 8 '#7f0000') stats 'tempNp' using 2 np = 1 #do for [i=1:1000] { #plot for[j=1:np] 'tempNp' index (i-1) using (column(j+1)):(column(np+j+1)):(column(3*np+j+1)):(column(2*np+j+1)) title 'Bille '.j with circle palette,\ #} # ################################################################################################################ # # ################################################################################################################ clear set encoding iso_8859_1 set autoscale # scale axes automatically unset log # remove any log-scaling unset label # remove any previous labels set xtic auto # set xtics automatically set ytic auto # set ytics automatically set term postscript eps color lw 1.0 "Helvetica" 22 enhanced set output "temp_at.ps" set xlabel "X (m)" set ylabel "H (m)" set cblabel "^°C" rotate by 0 set key spacing 1.3 set key font ",16" set logscale cb set cbrange[25:100] set cbtics 25,2,100 set xr [0.25:1.75] set yr [0:1.4] set xtics 0.,0.25,1.75 mirror set ytics 0,0.2,1.4 mirror set format x "%1.2g" set format y "%1.2g" set format cb "%2.3g" unset y2label unset y2tics set tics in set mxtics 5 set mytics 5 set my2tics 5 set pointsize 0.6 set size ratio 0.9 set angles degrees # set xtics add('0' 0 ) set ytics add('0' 0 ) set style fill transparent solid 1 noborder set palette defined ( 0 '#000090',\ 1 '#000fff',\ 2 '#0090ff',\ 3 '#0fffee',\ 4 '#90ff70',\ 5 '#ffee00',\ 6 '#ff7000',\ 7 '#ee0000',\ 8 '#7f0000') stats 'temp_at' using 2 np = 1 #plot for [i=1:np] 'temp_at' using (column(i+1)):(column(np+i+1)):(column(3*np+i+1)):(column(2*np+i+1)) title 'Bille '.i with circle palette # ################################################################################################################ # # ################################################################################################################