# ################################################################################################################ # # ################################################################################################################ clear set encoding iso_8859_1 set autoscale # scale axes automatically unset log # remove any log-scaling unset label # remove any previous labels set xtic auto # set xtics automatically set ytic auto # set ytics automatically set term postscript eps color lw 1.0 "Helvetica" 22 enhanced set output "bille_temp.ps" set xlabel "Temps (h)" set ylabel "Température (°C)" set key top right inside set key width 0. vertical maxrows 5 set key spacing 1.3 set key font ",16" set logscale x set xr [1.e-3:1.6e+2] set yr [0:125] set xtics 1e-3,20,1.6e+2 mirror set ytics 0,25,125 mirror set format x "%2.3g" set format y "%2.0f" unset y2label unset y2tics set tics in set mxtics 5 set mytics 5 set my2tics 5 set pointsize 0.6 set size ratio 0.9 set angles degrees # set xtics add('0' 0 ) set ytics add('0' 0 ) plot "champ_temp" every 1 using 1:2 title 'Chauffage' with line ls 1 lt rgb "red" lw 4.5,\ "champ_temp_refroid" every 1 using 1:2 title 'Refroidissement' with line ls 1 lt rgb "blue" lw 4.5,\ # ################################################################################################################ # # ################################################################################################################ reset set encoding iso_8859_1 set autoscale # scale axes automatically unset log # remove any log-scaling unset label # remove any previous labels set xtic auto # set xtics automatically set ytic auto # set ytics automatically set term postscript eps color lw 1.0 "Helvetica" 22 enhanced set output "temp_flux.ps" set xlabel "Temps (h)" set ylabel "Température (°C)" set y2label "Flux (W)" set key top right inside set key width 0. vertical maxrows 3 set key spacing 1.3 set key font ",16" set logscale x set xr [1.e-3:1e+2] set yr [0:125] set y2r [0:10] set xtics 1e-3,10,1.e+2 mirror set ytics 0,25,125 nomirror set y2tics 0,2,10 nomirror set format x "%2.0g" set format y "%2.0f" set format y2 "%2.0f" set tics in set mxtics 5 set mytics 5 set my2tics 5 set pointsize 0.6 set size ratio 0.9 set angles degrees # plot "depl_therm_g" every 1 using 1:4 title 'T^°_{Hertz}' with line ls 1 lt rgb "red" lw 4.5 axis x1y1,\ "depl_therm_hzflui" every 1 using 1:4 title 'T^°_{Hertz+Fluide}' with line ls 1 lt rgb "black" lw 4.5 axis x1y1,\ "depl_therm_g" every 1 using 1:5 title '{/Symbol f}_{Hertz}' with points ls 6 ps 1.5 lt rgb "blue" lw 0.75 axis x1y2,\ "depl_therm_hzflui" every 1 using 1:6 title '{/Symbol f}_{Fluide}' with points ls 6 ps 1.5 lt rgb "dark-green" lw 0.75 axis x1y2,\ # ################################################################################################################ # # ################################################################################################################ clear set encoding iso_8859_1 set autoscale # scale axes automatically unset log # remove any log-scaling unset label # remove any previous labels set xtic auto # set xtics automatically set ytic auto # set ytics automatically set term postscript eps color lw 1.0 "Helvetica" 22 enhanced set output "temp_mat.ps" set xlabel "Temps (h)" set ylabel "Température (°C)" set key top right inside set key width 0. vertical maxrows 2 set key spacing 1.3 set key font ",16" set logscale x set xr [1.e-3:1e+2] set yr [0:125] set xtics 1e-3,10,1.e+2 mirror set ytics 0,25,125 mirror set format x "%2.0g" set format y "%2.0f" unset y2label unset y2tics set tics in set mxtics 5 set mytics 5 set my2tics 5 set pointsize 0.6 set size ratio 0.9 set angles degrees # set xtics add('0' 0 ) set ytics add('0' 0 ) plot "depl_therm_alumi" every 1 using 1:4 title 'Alumine' with line ls 1 lt rgb "red" lw 4.5,\ "depl_therm_g" every 1 using 1:4 title 'Aluminium' with line ls 1 dt 5 lt rgb "blue" lw 4.5,\ "depl_therm_bronze" every 1 using 1:4 title 'Bronze' with line ls 1 dt 3 lt rgb "dark-green" lw 4.5,\ "depl_therm_or" every 1 using 1:4 title 'Or' with line ls 1 dt 6 lt rgb "black" lw 4.5,\ # ################################################################################################################ # # ################################################################################################################ reset set encoding iso_8859_1 set autoscale # scale axes automatically unset log # remove any log-scaling unset label # remove any previous labels set xtic auto # set xtics automatically set ytic auto # set ytics automatically set term postscript eps color lw 1.0 "Helvetica" 22 enhanced set output "temp_force.ps" set xlabel "Temps (h)" set ylabel "Température (°C)" set key top right inside set key width 0. vertical maxrows 2 set key spacing 1.3 set key font ",16" set logscale x set xr [1.e-3:1e+2] set yr [0:125] set xtics 1e-3,10,1.e+2 mirror set ytics 0,25,125 mirror set format x "%2.0g" set format y "%2.0f" unset y2label unset y2tics set tics in set mxtics 5 set mytics 5 set my2tics 5 set pointsize 0.6 set size ratio 0.9 set angles degrees # set xtics add('0' 0 ) set ytics add('0' 0 ) plot "depl_therm_g" every 1 using 1:4 title 'F_{grav}' with line ls 1 lt rgb "red" lw 4.5,\ "depl_therm_1000" every 1 using 1:4 title 'F_{grav}+1000 N' with line ls 1 dt 5 lt rgb "blue" lw 4.5,\ "depl_therm_5000" every 1 using 1:4 title 'F_{grav}+5000 N' with line ls 1 dt 3 lt rgb "dark-green" lw 4.5,\ "depl_therm_10000" every 1 using 1:4 title 'F_{grav}+10000 N' with line ls 1 dt 6 lt rgb "black" lw 4.5,\ # ################################################################################################################ # # ################################################################################################################ reset set encoding iso_8859_1 set autoscale # scale axes automatically unset log # remove any log-scaling unset label # remove any previous labels set xtic auto # set xtics automatically set ytic auto # set ytics automatically set term postscript eps color lw 1.0 "Helvetica" 22 enhanced set output "flux_ratio.ps" set xlabel "R_b (m)" set ylabel "Ratio" set key top right inside set key width 0. vertical maxrows 2 set key spacing 1.3 set key font ",16" #set logscale x set xr [0.:0.4] set yr [0:1] set xtics 0.0,0.05,0.4 mirror set ytics 0,0.2,1 mirror set format x "%1.2g" set format y "%1.1g" unset y2label unset y2tics set tics in set mxtics 5 set mytics 5 set my2tics 5 set pointsize 0.6 set size ratio 0.9 set angles degrees # set xtics add('0' 0 ) set ytics add('0' 0 ) plot "ratio_fluxair" every 1 using 1:2 title '{/Symbol f}_{fluide}/{/Symbol f}_{total}' with p pt 6 ps 1.75 lt rgb "red" lw 2.75,\ "ratio_fluxair" every 1 using 1:2 smooth sbezier title 'Ajustement ' with line ls 1 dt 3 lt rgb "black" lw 3,\ # ################################################################################################################ # # ################################################################################################################ clear set encoding iso_8859_1 set autoscale # scale axes automatically unset log # remove any log-scaling unset label # remove any previous labels set xtic auto # set xtics automatically set ytic auto # set ytics automatically set term postscript eps color lw 1.0 "Helvetica" 22 enhanced set output "temp_hzflui.ps" set xlabel "Temps (h)" set ylabel "Température (°C)" set key top right inside set key width 0. vertical maxrows 3 set key spacing 1.3 set key font ",16" set logscale x set xr [0.001:100] set yr [0:125] set xtics 0.001,10,100 mirror set ytics 0,25,125 mirror set format x "%2.0g" set format y "%2.0f" unset y2label unset y2tics set tics in set mxtics 5 set mytics 5 set my2tics 5 set pointsize 0.6 set size ratio 0.9 set angles degrees # set xtics add('0' 0 ) set ytics add('0' 0 ) plot "depl_therm_g" every 1 using 1:4 title '~r{.5-}_{len}=~s{.5-}=0' with line ls 1 lt rgb "red" lw 4.5,\ "depl_therm_hzflui_01" every 1 using 1:4 title '~r{.5-}_{len}=1.01, ~s{.5-}=0.002' with line ls 1 lt rgb "black" lw 4.5,\ "depl_therm_hzflui_07" every 1 using 1:4 title '~r{.5-}_{len}=1.07, ~s{.5-}=0.002' with line ls 1 dt 5 lt rgb "blue" lw 4.5,\ "depl_therm_hzflui_09" every 1 using 1:4 title '~r{.5-}_{len}=1.09, ~s{.5-}=0.002' with line ls 1 dt 7 lt rgb "dark-green" lw 4.5,\ # ################################################################################################################ # # ################################################################################################################ clear set encoding iso_8859_1 set autoscale # scale axes automatically unset log # remove any log-scaling unset label # remove any previous labels set xtic auto # set xtics automatically set ytic auto # set ytics automatically set term postscript eps color lw 1.0 "Helvetica" 22 enhanced set output "temp_hzfluis.ps" set xlabel "Temps (h)" set ylabel "Température (°C)" set key top right inside set key width 0. vertical maxrows 3 set key spacing 1.3 set key font ",16" set logscale x set xr [0.001:100] set yr [0:125] set xtics 0.001,10,100 mirror set ytics 0,25,125 mirror set format x "%2.0g" set format y "%2.0f" unset y2label unset y2tics set tics in set mxtics 5 set mytics 5 set my2tics 5 set pointsize 0.6 set size ratio 0.9 set angles degrees # set xtics add('0' 0 ) set ytics add('0' 0 ) plot "depl_therm_g" every 1 using 1:4 title '~r{.5-}_{len}=~s{.5-}=0' with line ls 1 lt rgb "red" lw 4.5,\ "depl_therm_hzflui_s001" every 1 using 1:4 title '~r{.5-}_{len}=1.09, ~s_{.6-}=0.001' with line ls 1 lt rgb "black" lw 4.5,\ "depl_therm_hzflui_09" every 1 using 1:4 title '~r{.5-}_{len}=1.09, ~s{.5-}=0.002' with line ls 1 dt 5 lt rgb "green" lw 4.5,\ # ################################################################################################################ # # ################################################################################################################ reset set term postscript eps color lw 1.0 "Helvetica" 22 enhanced set output 'rebond_time_at.ps' stats 'depl_cont' nooutput set xlabel "T (s)" set ylabel "H (m)" set xr [0:5] set yr [0:1.2] set xtics 0.,1,5 mirror set ytics 0,0.2,1.2 mirror set style fill transparent solid 1 noborder np = 1 nc = np+3 plot for [i=1:np] 'depl_cont_at' using (column(2)):(column(2+i)):(column(nc)) title 'Bille '.i with circle,\ ################################################################################################################ # # ################################################################################################################ reset set terminal gif animate delay 10 set output 'rebond.gif' stats 'rebond' nooutput set xlabel "X (m)" set ylabel "H (m)" set cblabel "m" rotate by 0 set cbrange[0:1.0] set cbtics 0,0.2,1.0 set xr [0.25:1.75] set yr [0:1.2] set xtics 0.25,0.25,1.75 mirror set ytics 0,0.2,1.2 mirror set style fill transparent solid 1 noborder set palette defined ( 0 '#000090',\ 1 '#000fff',\ 2 '#0090ff',\ 3 '#0fffee',\ 4 '#90ff70',\ 5 '#ffee00',\ 6 '#ff7000',\ 7 '#ee0000',\ 8 '#7f0000') stats 'rebond' using 2 np = 1 nc = np+3 do for [i=1:900] { plot for [j=1:np] 'rebond' index (i-1) using (column(nc-1)):(column(1+j)):(column(nc)):(column(1+j)) title 'Bille '.j with circle palette,\ } ################################################################################################################ # # ################################################################################################################ clear set encoding iso_8859_1 set autoscale # scale axes automatically unset log # remove any log-scaling unset label # remove any previous labels set xtic auto # set xtics automatically set ytic auto # set ytics automatically set term postscript eps color lw 1.0 "Helvetica" 22 enhanced set output "rebond_at.ps" set xlabel "X (m)" set ylabel "H (m)" set cblabel "m" rotate by 0 set key spacing 1.3 set key font ",16" set logscale cb set cbrange[0.05:1.3] set cbtics 0.05,1.5,1.3 set xr [0.25:1.75] set yr [0:1.2] set xtics 0.25,0.25,1.75 mirror set ytics 0,0.2,1.2 mirror set format x "%1.2g" set format y "%1.2g" set format cb "%1.2g" unset y2label unset y2tics set tics in set mxtics 5 set mytics 5 set my2tics 5 set pointsize 0.6 set size ratio 0.9 set angles degrees # set xtics add('0' 0 ) set ytics add('0' 0 ) set style fill transparent solid 1 noborder set palette defined ( 0 '#000090',\ 1 '#000fff',\ 2 '#0090ff',\ 3 '#0fffee',\ 4 '#90ff70',\ 5 '#ffee00',\ 6 '#ff7000',\ 7 '#ee0000',\ 8 '#7f0000') stats 'rebond_at' using 2 np = 1 nc = np+3 plot for [i=1:np] 'rebond_at' using (column(nc-1)):(column(1+i)):(column(nc)):(column(1+i)) title 'Bille '.i with circle palette # ################################################################################################################ # # ################################################################################################################ reset set terminal gif animate delay 10 set output 'heat_bille.gif' stats 'thermal' nooutput set xlabel "X (m)" set ylabel "H (m)" set cblabel "^°C" rotate by 0 set logscale cb set cbrange[25:100] set cbtics 25,2,100 set xr [0.25:1.75] set yr [0:1.2] set xtics 0.25,0.25,1.75 mirror set ytics 0,0.2,1.2 mirror set style fill transparent solid 1 noborder set palette defined ( 0 '#000090',\ 1 '#000fff',\ 2 '#0090ff',\ 3 '#0fffee',\ 4 '#90ff70',\ 5 '#ffee00',\ 6 '#ff7000',\ 7 '#ee0000',\ 8 '#7f0000') stats 'thermal' using 2 np = 1 nc = np+4 do for [i=1:900] { plot for [j=1:np] 'thermal' index (i-1) using (column(j+2)):(column(j+1)):(column(nc)):(column(nc-1)) title 'Bille '.j with circle palette,\ } # ################################################################################################################ # # ################################################################################################################ clear set encoding iso_8859_1 set autoscale # scale axes automatically unset log # remove any log-scaling unset label # remove any previous labels set xtic auto # set xtics automatically set ytic auto # set ytics automatically set term postscript eps color lw 1.0 "Helvetica" 22 enhanced set output "therm_at.ps" set xlabel "X (m)" set ylabel "H (m)" set cblabel "^°C" rotate by 0 set key spacing 1.3 set key font ",16" set logscale cb set cbrange[25:100] set cbtics 25,2,100 set xr [0.25:1.75] set yr [0:1.2] set xtics 0.25,0.25,1.75 mirror set ytics 0,0.2,1.2 mirror set format x "%1.2g" set format y "%1.2g" set format cb "%1.2g" unset y2label unset y2tics set tics in set mxtics 5 set mytics 5 set my2tics 5 set pointsize 0.6 set size ratio 0.9 set angles degrees # set xtics add('0' 0 ) set ytics add('0' 0 ) set style fill transparent solid 1 noborder set palette defined ( 0 '#000090',\ 1 '#000fff',\ 2 '#0090ff',\ 3 '#0fffee',\ 4 '#90ff70',\ 5 '#ffee00',\ 6 '#ff7000',\ 7 '#ee0000',\ 8 '#7f0000') stats 'therm_at' using 2 np = 1 nc = np+4 plot for [i=1:np] 'therm_at' using (column(i+2)):(column(i+1)):(column(nc)):(column(nc-1)) title 'Bille '.i with circle palette # ################################################################################################################ # # ################################################################################################################