Contenus complémentaires pour le CM de phonologie "accentologie", Licence 2, 1er semestre.
- Enseignant: Contreras Roa Leonardo
The main goal of this class is to improve students’ ability to express themselves in the English language, in order to reach a high level of proficiency.
- Enseignant: Demaubus Thierry
In this Moodle you will find all of the material used in class (Powerpoints) as well as all the homework to prepare for the following class.
This is where I will post your marks following your midterm and final exam, and I will use this Moodle to contact you should there be a change to our schedule or any other important information you need to know.
- Enseignant: Rickard Mathew
- Enseignant: Burtin Olivier
England was the most rapidly urbanising society in Europe between 1750 and 1800. New pavements, squares, parks and walks enabled people to walk outside. Georgians experienced new freedom in terms of spaces and places they could visit. There were changes in public life with the development of clubs, pleasure gardens and theatres. Entertainment grew and included concerts, operas, ballets and other events. There was a commercialisation of leisure. Travel and tourism became more common.
- Enseignant: Loussouarn Sophie